Andre Rex | Creativity Coach

Reclaim your creative spark.

Art, music, and dancing are all very human activities. It is in our nature to perform these things, and yet we easily lose sight of this fact. There is a strange pushback that says if you’re not the next Da Vinci, you shouldn’t even try. How messed up is that?

Self expression is for everyone, regardless of if you consider yourself a “real” artist.

But after years – sometimes a lifetime – of that voice in our heads saying “I’m not good enough,” how do we get back to our natural state of just creating?

Sometimes we need a little help. That’s where creativity coaching comes in!


You are allowed to enjoy yourself.

Have you ever said something like:

“I can’t sing.”

“I have two left feet.”

“I can’t even draw a stick figure.”

“You really don’t want to see me try.”

Here’s the thing; we confuse our ability to perform a task with our ability to be perfect. Perfect is impossible. Perfect is boring. Most of all, perfect is self-abuse as we hold ourselves to unreachable standards.

What we really mean when we say, “I can’t do [this creative activity,]” is that someone somewhere sometime judged us harshly for even trying, and now we’re afraid to try again. Maybe it was even ourselves who judged us too harshly.

And that’s okay.

Because we can try again. Now that we know we don’t have to be perfect at every single thing we do, we can try again.

I’m certainly rooting for you, and I would love to be by your side for this journey of coming back into your own creative self.